Faith Church Circle

Faith Church Circle is a group of women and men who meet once a month for fellowship, Bible study, and refreshments.  A short business meeting is followed by a Bible study found in the “Gather” magazine.  Study is usually led by one of the circle members.  During the summer Faith Church Circle usually has  one meeting that is a potluck or catered, and they traditionally  gather at Christmas at a restaurant instead of having a meeting.

Circle is open to all who would like to join us.  The Circle gets involved in various projects during the year; for example, in 2017 school kits for Lutheran World Relief were assembled.

Current officers:

President -Jane Ahrens

V. President -Charlene Coy

Secretary -Marge Sixt & Dorrie Mayer,

Treasurer -Teri Allen

Financial Secretary –

Mission Growth -Betty Jacobs & Charlene Coy

Mission Action & Mission Community -Freda Evans

Bereavement Chair -Charlene Coy

Prayer Chair